RYT 200
Jamie Auten

Compassion and self-acceptance. I had no idea that’s what my journey with Sumits Yoga would be about four years ago when my oldest son bought me a gift certificate for Mother’s Day. We took several classes together those first two weeks and like most people, I was hooked. In the beginning the physical aspect of hot yoga kept bringing me back to my mat as I was improving in strength and flexibility. But the real challenge for me has been learning to practice without judgment or criticism. To be able to come to my mat and accept, listen, and love where I’m at in that class; staying in the present moment and letting go of everything but my breath. Only then have I been able to experience a mental, spiritual and physical cleanse-which has spilled into all areas of my life including my profession as a massage therapist. It was a natural progression to go through the yoga training and has enriched my profession as well. Practicing with compassion has helped to nurture the body, mind, soul connection I try to encourage not only with my clients, but my family as well as myself. Thank you Stephanie, Nikki, and Sumit for the opportunity to share my passion in this amazing community you have created.

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